Continued Education compliance audit
Continuing education ensures that licensees maintain their industry knowledge and skills, stay up to date on industry standards, and improve their professional skills.

Overview of CE audit process
As part of the renewal process, Alberta-based licensees are required to obtain 15 hours of approved continuing education credits for each class of license they are renewing. AIC will randomly conduct audits to confirm CE compliance; candidates are randomly selected.
If you have been selected for the CE audit, you will be contacted directly by the AIC Compliance Department through a “Demand for Information” letter. After receiving this letter, the auditee is required to provide a copy of their CE certificates as requested. The Compliance Department will email a “Pass” letter to all auditees once the audit requirements have been reviewed and met.
FAQs about the CE audit process
Only send CE certificates if requested as part of an audit. All CE certificates can be sent directly to the Compliance Department as a single PDF to the following email: The email should include your CIPR number in the subject line.
Extensions are not granted by AIC. Once a Demand letter has been sent, the auditee is required to respond to the Demand by providing all CE certificates within 30 days of receiving the request, as per Section 31(3) of the Insurance Agents and Adjusters Regulation AR 122/2001.
CE certificates issued by the continuing education provider for completed courses must be kept for a period of three years following the expiry of the license term, as per Section 31(2) of the Insurance Agents and Adjusters Regulation AR 122/2001.
You will need to directly contact the CE provider to obtain a copy of the CE certificate required for audit submission.
If an auditee does not respond to the CE audit in time or at all, the auditee’s license(s) will be automatically suspended until the demand is complied with. The matter may also proceed to an investigation.
If you have failed to provide the CE certificates as required, your license(s) will be automatically suspended, and the matter may proceed to an investigation.
When a license has been suspended, the auditee must complete the audit requirements. Once the audit requirements are met, the auditee may contact AIC’s Licensing Department to reinstate their license.
Look up a CE course
Look up and take an accredited CE course to obtain credits towards your annual CE requirement
Find a CE course