Exam fees

Examination fees are applicable to each examination registration.

About exam fees

Exam fees are non-refundable, and failure to attend or being late to a scheduled examination will result in the forfeiture of the exam fee.

However, if an exam writer misses an exam due to an extenuating circumstance and contacts and gets approval from AIC to hold over the exam fee, they can use the credit towards a new exam registration; the credit must be used within six months of the payment date.

Note: examinations outside of Edmonton and Calgary may be subject to additional invigilation fees.

Exam fees

Examination type

Adjusters Level 1

Adjusters Level 4 (oral exam)

General Level 1

General Level 2

General Level 3

HLLQP – Full Life Course Program (covers all four LLQP modules)

HLLQP – Full Life Course Program re-writes (per module)

HLLQP – “Top Up” Life Course Program (covers Life and Segregated Funds only)

HLLQP – “Top Up” Course Program re-writes (per module)

HLLQP – Accident and Sickness Course Program (covers A&S and Ethics only)

HLLQP – Accident and Sickness Course Program re-writes (per module)

HLLQP – Ethics and Professional Practice – Québec Civil














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